Building on Patterns is a systematic, comprehensive, and balanced literacy program designed to teach young children with visual impairments to read and write using braille.

Building on Patterns Kindergarten lessons include a selection to be read to the student, questions to discuss, and an activity for the child to complete. Textbooks are consumable.
Recommended ages: 4 to 5 years and up.
- Body Image
- Senses
- Feelings
- Things Around You
- Things You Can Ride
- Things You Can Do
- Colors and Color Associations
- Groups of contractions are taught together when logical to do so.
- Easily confused letters and words are introduced at different times.
- Ideas for incorporating technology are given.
- Lessons are flexible and can be adapted to fit a given student or students.
- Enrichment activities are suggested for additional practice or homework.
- Read-aloud books to go along with the lesson are suggested.
- Punctuation is eliminated except for the capital at the kindergarten level and is introduced gradually thereafter.

Color Me is an 11 1/2 x 5 1/2 inch soft covered book containing 40 raised-line pictures to be colored. Each page contains one or two raised-line drawings of an item that is usually the same color as the braille/print color word at the top of the page. The name of the item(s) to be colored is included under the picture in braille and print.
Each student kit includes Student Textbooks (set of 7), Color Me Book, Posttest Consumables Pack, and Assessment Check-up Forms Pack.
Sample Activities
Download examples of activities found inside Building on Patterns:

My student is tickled to be able to read words and sentences in braille. So far, he reads more fluently in braille than in print!