Building on Patterns is a systematic, comprehensive, and balanced literacy program designed to teach young children with visual impairments to read and write using braille.

First Grade
Building on Patterns First Grade lessons require students to read selections themselves with emphasis on decoding skills, comprehension, and fluency. Creative writing, related to the reading selections, is included with each lesson. Spelling is based upon phonics skills. Worksheet packs, lesson monitoring sheets, and unit assessment packs are consumables and are available separately.
Recommended ages: 6 to 7 years and up.
Prerequisite: BOP Kindergarten or equivalent skills.
- Things in My Yard or Neighborhood
- People and Places in the Community
- Common Animals and Insects
- Things at School
- Folktales, Fables, Fiction, and Non-fiction
- Problem Solving
- Braille taught and presented in a logical manner
- Ideas for incorporating technology
- Tactile graphics for teachers to explore with the student
- Suggestions for including other ECC Skills
- Flexible activities designed to fit individual needs
- Lesson overviews for planning ahead
- Five-day lesson sequences
- Suggested concept development activities for parents
- Read-aloud poems and suggestions for books accompany the lessons
- Suggestions for appropriate braille library books accompany units 5-7
- Lesson Monitoring Sheets
- Unit Check-ups/Assessments (includes timed tests)
Each student kit includes Lesson Monitoring Sheets, Assessment Check-up Forms, Student Textbook, and Worksheets Pack.
Sample Activities
Download examples of activities found inside Building on Patterns:

I feel like we are one step ahead of my student’s class... It makes it
easier for her to concentrate in class and really understand the concepts.