Building on Patterns is a systematic, comprehensive, and balanced literacy program designed to teach young children with visual impairments to read and write using braille.
Second Grade
All BOP student materials are in Unified English Braille (UEB).
IMPORTANT: Download the FREE UEB Teacher Supplements for each Teacher’s Edition here.
Each student kit includes Lesson Monitoring Sheets, Consumable Unit Assessment Packet, Student Textbook, and Worksheets Pack.
Ordering Information
Unit 1, That's So Silly!:

- Student Kit–UEB: 6-78570-U1

Unit 2, At Your Service:

- Student Kit–UEB: 6-78570-U2

Unit 3, Family and Friends:

- Student Kit–UEB: 6-78570-U3

Unit 4, Just for the Fun of It:

- Student Kit–UEB: 6-78570-U4
- This kit also includes the Braille Spelling Dictionary for Beginning Writers.

Unit 5, It's a Natural Thing:

- Student Kit–UEB: 6-78570-U5
- This kit also includes a game board, point symbol stickers to mark the board, game cards, braille dice and shaker cup, and game tokens.

Unit 6, A Walk on the Wild Side:

- Student Kit–UEB: 6-78570-U6

Unit 7, Celebrate Books:

- Student Kit–UEB: 6-78570-U7
- This kit also includes three complete chapter books.

Posttest Teacher's Manual - UEB:

Posttest Consumable Set - UEB:

- Posttest Consumable Set–UEB: 8-78575-00